
A 100% on-chain, extensible, generative art project, where every Ethereum address is represented by a unique NFT.


The largest on-chain generative art project

ETHouses are 2^160 non fungible tokens (NFT) on the Ethereum blockchain. Each one represents an Ethereum address. They are generated and associated with a unique visual representation. ETHouses can only be claimed by the corresponding Ethereum address owner, and can be displayed on any modern browser, at any scale, forever.
Check out some ETHouses here.
Please enter a valid Ethereum address

ETHouses are unique

Every ETHouse has several traits, that in combination, make them unique. Traits include number of windows, colors, door patterns, backgrounds, animations and more.

100% on-chain

Every part of this project is hosted on-chain, and available forever. The NFT contract is deployed on Ethereum's mainnet, and contains a reference to an on-chain version of this website, hosted on Arweave's permaweb. That means the visual representation of the ETHouses, the metadata associated with them, and the possibility to mint new ETHouses, will always be available.

How can I get one?

You will need an Ethereum wallet connected to this site, with at least 0.005 ETH (plus gas fees) in it, and click on the connect and claim my ETHouse button above. You can use MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet as your wallet, for a quick and easy experience.

Step by step:

  1. Download MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet
  2. Buy ETH and send it to your MetaMask wallet (or buy ETH with your Coinbase account and send it to your Coinbase Wallet)
  3. If you installed a browser extension, reload this site. If accessing from mobile app wallet, just access this site on the app's browser. Then click on the connect and claim my ETHouse button above

What can I do with them now?

Collect them, buy them, trade them or sell them at any NFT marketplace like OpenSea.

What will I be able to do with them later?

Stage 2: DAO. Vote for and propose new representations of the ETHouses

ETHouses holders will be able to submit algorithms to represent ETHouse tokens, and vote on their favorites. Twice a year (maybe four times a year?) the most popular representations will be added to the smart contract and to this site.

Stage 3: MAYBE Gain access to real life ETHouses around the world

Crazy idea, but if this project goes REALLY well, maybe the DAO can buy real houses and give access to ETHouse token holders.


ETHouses are non fungible tokens (NFT) on the Ethereum blockchain, that represent an Ethereum address. They are associated with a visual representation (the houses), generated with the Ethereum address as the seed. ETHouses can only be claimed by the Ethereum address owner.

You will need an Ethereum wallet connected to this site, with at least 0.005 ETH (plus gas fees) in it, and click on the connect and claim my ETHouse button above. You can use MetaMask as your wallet, for a quick and easy experience.

Collect them, buy them, trade them or sell them at any NFT marketplace like OpenSea

- DAO. Vote for and propose new representations of the ETHouses (stage 2 of this project)

ETHouses holders will be able to submit algorithms to represent ETHouse tokens, and vote on their favorites. Twice a year (maybe four times a year?) the most popular representations will be added to the smart contract and to this site.

- MAYBE Gain access to real life ETHouses around the world (stage 3 of this project)

Crazy idea, but if this project goes REALLY well, maybe the DAO can buy real houses and give access to ETHouse token holders.

No. They do not grant any access to any wallets.

Yes. They have several traits that in combination make them unique. Some of those are number of windows, colors, door patterns, backgrounds and animations.

Every part of this project is hosted on-chain, and available for ever. The NFT contract is deployed on Ethereum's mainnet, and contains a reference to an on-chain version of this website, hosted on Arweave's permaweb. That means the visual representation of the ETHouses, the metadata associated with them, and the possibility to mint new ETHouses, will always be available.

DAO. Vote for and propose new representations of the ETHouses (stage 2 of this project)

ETHouses holders will be able to submit algorithms to represent ETHouses tokens, and vote on their favorites. Twice a year (maybe four times a year?) the most popular representations will get added to the V2 smart contract and to this site.

The ETHouses smart contract is located at address 0x338d8368Ba63f218fceB32CF142497a374bABe32 on the Ethereum blockchain.

Yes. Check out how here, in the "How to add a custom token" section, and use the contract's address: "0x338d8368Ba63f218fceB32CF142497a374bABe32".

Here, here and here.

I like to code and making this was fun. But also to introduce more people to NFTs, Ethereum and crypto in general, with a low risk, fun project.

valdi, valdi.eth