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@SciresM SciresM released this 18 days ago · 27 commits to master since this release

0.10.4 is Atmosphère's twenty-seventh official release.

fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.10.4.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.10.4 is bundled with hbl 2.3, and hbmenu 3.2.0.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • With major thanks to @Adubbz for his work, the NCM system module has now been re-implemented.
    • This was a major stepping stone towards the goal of having implementations of everything in the Switch's package1/package2 firmware.
    • This also lays the groundwork for libstratosphere providing bindings for changing the installed version of the Switch's OS.
    • Please Note: The NCM implementation will initially be opt-in.
      • The Atmosphere team is confident in our NCM implementation (and we have tested it on every firmware version).
      • That said, this is our first system module that manages NAND savegames -- and caution is a habit.
      • We do not anticipate any issues that didn't come up in testing, so this is just our being particularly careful.
      • Users interested in opting in to using our implementation should set stratosphere!ncm_enabled = 1 in BCT.ini.
        • In the unlikely event that any issues are encountered, please report them to @SciresM.
      • The NCM implementation will stop being opt-in in a future update, after thorough testing has been done in practice.
  • A bug was fixed in emummc that caused Nintendo path to be corrupted on 1.0.0.
    • This manifested as the emummc folder being created inside the virtual NAND instead of the SD card.
    • It's unlikely there are any negative consequences to this in practice.
      • If you want to be truly sure, you can re-clone sysmmc before updating a 1.0.0 emummc to latest firmware.
  • Stratosphere system modules now use new Nintendo-style FS bindings instead of stdio.
    • This saves a modest amount of memory due to leaner code, and greatly increases the accuracy of several components.
    • These bindings will make it easier for other system modules using libstratosphere to interact with the filesystem.
    • This also lays the groundwork for changes necessary to support per-emummc Atmosphere folders in a future update.
  • Atmosphere's fatal error context now dumps 0x100 of TLS.
    • This will make it much easier to fix bugs when an error report is dumped for whatever caused the crash.
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

For information on the featureset supported by 0.10, please see the official release notes.

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