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Didn't expect that to happen.


Didn't expect that to happen.

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level 1
4.2k points · 8 days ago
Press F

Final destination irl, you cheated death now you are really in trouble.

level 2
842 points · 7 days ago

FOR REAL. Driver needs to watch their back.

level 2

No, there was an Avengers battle like 10 miles away, this is the collateral you don't see.

level 2
42 points · 7 days ago

Years ago I watched a similar thing happen on tv where a piece of rebar got caught by a tire and got thrown through the windshield and pinned a guys head to his headrest. The rebar went through his forehead BUT between his brain and skull sparing his life. He had minor brain damage and couldn’t walk right again.

level 2

reminds me of the brick video. nsfl

level 2

There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonley winding road at twilight.

level 2

If your mum is in the passenger seat, avoid low flying bricks 😔.

level 2

Final Destination 2. But you are right about cheating death- it's going to win eventually. Hopefully in peaceful sleep like my grandfather rather than the passengers his car.

level 2

Stay inside and quarantine yourself.

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level 1
1.3k points · 8 days ago

Fuck, forgot to tighten down my lawnmower blade

level 2

Looks more like a leaf spring.

level 2
28 points · 7 days ago

You got any of them French fried taters, nnhh hhnn?

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level 1
1.1k points · 7 days ago

How do people not make any noise when something like this happens??

level 2

Had something like that happen to me. Pallet of wood got run over by a semi in from of me and sent half the pallet flying into my windshield. Luckily I was in a pretty study pick-up but one second everything was normal the next the windshield was spider webbed (thankfully not pierced). All that went through my head was that Simpson's meme where ralph is like "haha, I'm in danger". Took me a while to process how close that was.

level 2

i think that would be called shock

level 2

I have a dashcam and witnessed an accident once. Some idiot drove between two stopped cars at a light. Clipped all 4 mirrors off, he was going at least 60, through a red light. We're all lucky he didn't hit crossing traffic.

Anyway, it's only afterwards, when I was burning the footage to a CD for the cops did I realize I screamed "JESUS FUCK" as it happened. I hope everyone who watched it got a chuckle

level 2
22 points · 7 days ago

It’s like those Russian guys who keep having a normal conversation after driving into a river.

level 2
44 points · 7 days ago

Do deer in headlights scream?

level 2

Everyone responds to sudden events differently.

My girlfriend screams and jumps at just about every mild surprise. I hardly ever respond to even near death experiences.

Different people, different ways of responding.

For me, even as a little kid, I never saw the advantage of having a big reaction. I'd always just adjust to what happened and keep going. That response, staying calm like that, has probably saved my life a few times.

level 2

I wasn't expecting the sound and just jumped in my seat without a word lol.

level 2

Cyka blyat!!!

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level 1
1.1k points · 7 days ago

It's the way the wipers give it one last try. Good effort wipers.

level 2

People like you are what keep em goin.

level 2

Wiper: "Don't worry I caught it!"

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level 1

I actually jumped when that hit.

level 2

Me too, I had no idea what to expect.

level 2
9 points · 7 days ago

I dropped the damn phone.

level 2
8 points · 7 days ago

Scared the cat with how much I jumped.

I said wtf out loud too. Good video

level 2

Same. Then I went to the comments, went back up to watch again with full expectation of what was to come, and still jumped

level 2


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level 2

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level 1

Holy fuck I didn't think there was audio and now I've got shit in my pants.

level 2
59 points · 7 days ago

There was like no fucking reaction from the driver?!

level 2

Same. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

level 2
2 points · 7 days ago

Especially during the great TP shortage, unfortunate timing indeed.

level 2
1 point · 7 days ago

The first time scared the shit out of me, and I still jump a bit every time even though I know it's coming and I turned it down.

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level 1

It would appear your windshield wipers stopped working. Good time to get those checked out.

level 2

There's also a small chip in the glass.

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level 1

Is that a leaf spring?

level 2
55 points · 7 days ago

Its official: spring has sprung.

level 2
18 points · 7 days ago

Some folks call it a sling blade

level 2

I would agree

level 2
2 points · 7 days ago

Why use it, if they know the spring is just going to leaf?

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level 1
Comment removed by moderator7 days ago(More than 22 children)
level 2

Fuck me, that one realied only on off screen audio

level 2

Why did I look this up.

I knew it would crush me.

I knew it would make me cry, and I did it anyways.

To future people thinking they want to understand the reference, you do not. Just don’t.

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Created Jan 25, 2008
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